It's hard to really know what to say about the death of J.D. Salinger. So I won't say much. Some will say he's been out of the public eye and publishing world for so long, he may as well have been dead for the last forty years. I disagree.
He's still been important and, hopefully, still been writing. I only hope they publish some, if not all, of it. I wouldn't want to disrespect the man's wish for privacy, but there isn't much we can do now to violate his privacy.
NPR has a lot of good remembrances, etc. of Salinger. Check it out here.
I've tried to stay quiet on the subject, because I don't think I have anything too insightful to say about Salinger. I love his writing. There isn't much else I can say. But I wanted to share a whole slew of great material about Salinger's life and work that was on Slate today. A little bit of literary criticism, a little bit of fond remembrances, and a little bit of speculation about what might be locked away in Salinger's personal archives.