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To Write, Write.

 In less than a month, would-be writers from all over the world will embark on a month-long writing binge. The goal: 50,000 words in 30 days. It's National Novel Writing Month--better known as NaNoWriMo. In today's LA Times, critic David Ulin interviews Philip Roth. On the actual writing process:

"I don't know very much," he says about how he begins a novel. "I write my way into my knowledge. Then, if I'm lucky, I get a break. That's why it's so important to get started. Because however awful starting is — and it is absolutely awful — when you get into it, when you've got 10 pages, which may take two weeks, then you can begin to build."

It's a lot like the rationale for NaNoWriMo. Starting is the hardest part. As a NaNoWriMo virgin, I know I'm going to need to keep Roth's words in mind come November. 

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